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Julienne first began developing her twisted humor when her mom would get home from the night shift and the two would snuggle up watching In Living Color and Married With Children. Although it should be said, Camilla Jones was fiercely against Beavis & Butt-Head.


Julienne's once perverse perspective has now expanded into one that is romantic, and cynical, and passionate, and frustrated, and silly, and absurd... it's also still pretty perverse. But whether it's an indiedrama exploring the struggles of a messed up drug addict, or a studio comedy following the wacky adventures of a quirky drug addict, Julienne just wants to tell good stories. She's also interested in roles besides drug addicts. 


Beyond acting, Julienne's extremely passionate about writing her own stories, particularly those that push limits and question the norm. Check out her UPDATES/ page to get details on new projects. And if you want to get together with Julienne and collaborate, or talk about awesome movies, or just to eat, wander on over to the CONTACT/ page and say hi!


Favorite Things: Writing Bios in 3rd Person, Mint Green, Pickles, Dogs, Irony, Indian Food, Rain, Back Rubs, Workaholics, Jellyfish, Dreams, When you mix up the first letters of two words - like saying sack beat instead of back seat, Cooking, Dinosaurs

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